Sunday, August 29, 2010

Run you car on road to see the real world

Going on long drive is one of the most fascinated thing for youth. when speed of the car is crossing the speed of the wind then this experience is become unforgettable. If you are planning for travel vacation then you should plan tour along with you car that with give you real experience of travel.
Imagine situation that you are traveling in your car and you found anything interesting and  you spotted you car and start taking snaps. This will increase enjoyment of your tour. You have your own car in you travel then you don't have to ask anyone where to go where not, you can go anywhere where you want to go.     
“Roads are great teacher” it is old line but have very significant meaning, roads are himself a history and have lots of great story within himself. They connect one culture with other and one civilization to other. You can learn lot from these roads.
 Real world is always outside man made world and for getting real world you must come out from man made world. Tour with your car will provide you opportunity to see real word. After traveling on these roads, I am sure that you will learn that any culture never ends they just transform in to modern way like endless roads.  

Tanzania is a very good travel destination

Tanzania is a beautiful place and a great travel destination. If you are planning a holiday then Tanzania will be best choice for you because it have very good hotels and travel places, I am sure that you will love these. Tanzania offers world’s most adventurous jungle safari trip. Those who are lover of natural things will find beautiful jungle different type of flowers and trees and mountains. Safari at Tanzania is inexpiable because you can see hundreds types of animals like lion, tigers very closely they will thrill you. Jungles of Tanzania are several kilometers long it may take whole day in travelling inside dark and deep jungle. In these jungles animals live in  open  space some time they come very close to safari vans. 
Moments which you spend in Tanzania’s jungle safari will become that type of memory which you will never forget in your whole like. Snaps of lion, tiger, rhinoceros and elephant which are roaming  in open space and taking sun bath, you keep these for life long.  
African safari is incomplete without including Tanzania safari. So if you are planning holiday for Africa and want enjoy safari then you must include Tanzania safari in your list. Facilities which are provided in Tanzania are world class and they provide many options for you to enjoy comfortable holidays. 

Travel Vs adventure

If you are interested in adventure then go to holiday at hill station. Hill stations provide you lots of options to participate in adventures like mountain climbing, whitewater rafting, scuba diving and four wheel driving. Travel and adventure have a relation with each other because you cannot experience adventures at your home, you will have to go out to enjoy adventure. If you combine travel and adventure together then you can say adventure travel. So for enjoying adventure in take leave of 1 to 2 weeks and go out to feel a different type of travel.
It will provide you some relief from your stress daily like. While doing adventure like mountain climbing you feel some fear so it is advisable that person with heart problem should not participate in these types of activities. If you are doing these activities first time then it’s that feeling which you can’t express in words. It is one of the fastest growing industry of the travel word. So if you want to enjoy adventure in your travel then you don’t have to lot, because all travel agents are providing these packages now days. They will arrange everything for you transport and resorts. In this type of travel you can feel magic nature very closely.
These type of travel is only for those who like to face challenges and can face dangerous situation.  If you have courage then go out and experience a whole new world.